
Mango Kefir


Mangos contain over 20 different vitamins and minerals, helping to make them a superfood. 3/4 cup of mango provides 50% of your daily vitamin C, 8% of your daily Vitamin A and 8% of your daily vitamin B6. These nutrients in mango may help support your body’s immune system.

  • lower blood pressure and a regular pulse
    source of magnesium and potassium
  • reduce inflammation of the heart (mangiferin)
  • stabilize digestive system
  • rich with antioxidant components
  • many more…


SKU: KK-MANG-1000 Category: Tags: , , ,


Kefir originated roughly 2000 years ago in the Caucasus Mountains and is considered one of the eldest fermentations known to human history.

Kefir has at least 40 types of bacteria, 10 types of yeast and enzymes that will supercharge your digestive system & your overall wellbeing.

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750 ml


Comes in Earth Tone Grey


Glass bottle


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